Do you suffer from food sensitivities or reactions?

Many of us do these days. Therefore, I’d like to introduce you to a unique assessment and wellness protocol called Food Compatibility Program.

Knowing which foods are beneficial for you at present and which are aggravating or triggering symptoms makes a huge difference to the rate and speed of recovery from any condition, or improving any aspect of your health.

I use this therapeutic Program in my clinic with impressive results for clients of all ages seeking help with a wide range of disorders.

The assessment part of the Program takes the guesswork out of which foods are driving inflammatory processes and symptoms in your body hindering healing and recovery.

I recommended it to enhance therapeutic effects of natural health plans I develop for my clients. These include:

Food Compatibility Program is different to other hair or blood assessments currently available. There is no evaluation of allergies, intolerances or elevated antibodies, these are done by doctors or other specialists.

The assessment indicates if certain items are either compatible or incompatible for an individual at their current state of health. Compatible means best for your body to start repairs and healing.

The Program is based on the principle that ‘dis-ease’ in your body can be aggravated by certain foods and/or products interfering with the body, preventing it from working properly.

Poor cellular function leads to local and often systemic inflammation which is present in most disease states. The assessment part of the Program identifies inflammatory foods and products (600+ items are analysed) that need to be removed for a period of time (around 6 months). This will help to reset the immune system, and reduce inflammation in order to eat these foods again, in time.

Getting the best results from the Food Compatibility Program

I utilise this wellness program and compatibility assessment in the clinic to pinpoint which foods and/or products may cause inflammatory response in the body. I then tailor nutrition, supplements and lifestyle advice accordingly.

Once the results are in, I create a tailored 6-month wellness program for each client focusing on upgrading food quality and the healing aspects of the daily food intake.

We focus on the incompatible foods identified, of course, but importantly the investigation also gives us a list of foods that are compatible with your body. Once we have this information, I develop a wholistic therapeutic plan which fits your body and current health needs.

Food sensitivities are often the result of eating incompatible foods and/or poor gut health (e.g. having a leaky gut or microbiome imbalances). The 6-month therapeutic healing program I create for each client who undertakes this evaluation, is focused on repairing the overactive cells/ immune system that lead to deep seated imbalances.

If we don’t correct the underlying cause(s), symptoms will most likely return.

Moreover, it’s a safe and painless method of detecting which foods, supplements and household products are beneficial for the body and which ones are problematic, and thus need to be excluded for a period of time.

The ultimate goal of this protocol is to enhance cellular function by giving the body the foods that nourish, repair and build it.

Naturally, results vary depending on the complexity and number of symptoms, the length of time of the imbalances are present, and a person’s current health and nutrition status, among others.

Some people experience improvements quickly, usually in the first two months; others have more repairs to do before starting to feel better, and they progress slower at the pace their bodies allow.

Short overview of the Food Compatibility Program

Using a small hair sample (or saliva sample), the assessment part of the Program identifies the influence (either positive or negative) that each of a wide range of foods and products tested has on the cellular function. The findings help to determine which foods or products are inflammatory and should be avoided for a period of time.

Often there may be no visible signs or symptoms from eating incompatible foods, as many imbalances exist on a sub-clinical level where they are not yet detected by the regular lab tests.

By nourishing the body in line with the food compatibility analysis results, we are enhancing the foundation of health i.e. the body’s cellular function. The aim here is to get closer to resolving the cause(s) of your symptoms and improve your health rather than suppressing symptoms.

What’s covered in the Food Compatibility Program?

The basic/standard Food Compatibility assessment covers 600+ items including most food groups, health foods, kitchen, bathroom and laundry items.

It includes common local brands found in supermarkets as well as health food stores. Each item is evaluated in the form it’s usually consumed (raw and/or cooked, mixed with other ingredients e.g. sauces etc).

The focus is on identifying what you CAN eat and use rather than what you can’t. See the sample of Standard Australian 600+ items test list here.

The Food Compatibility Program can be done for adults, babies as well as pets.

The investigation can also be done in Australia and other countries including:

  • Canada
  • Dubai
  • India
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Poland
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom – UK
  • United States – USA

Get in touch with me if you’re based outside of Australia for more information on the item list specific for your country. All hair samples will need to be sent to me as all analysis is done in Australia.

Results are emailed to you within 2 weeks. Check out pricing HERE.

Clinical observations confirm that it takes a minimum of 6 months for the body to repair and deal with inflammatory states, whilst removing all incompatible foods and providing the body with the ‘safe’ foods, to significantly improve or regain health.

For some people it may take longer than 6 months to be able to eat the some foods again. For a small number of individuals with more extensive tissue damage it may not be possible to correct and reverse the imbalances, and they’ll need to avoid certain foods forever.

How to do the assessment?

Hair or saliva sample is collected at the consultation or by you at home and then posted to me. The results will be emailed to you usually within two weeks.

You’ll receive a detailed report and guidelines on how to follow the elimination protocol. The report includes:

  • Assessment results for over 600+ items from local supermarkets and health food shops
  • A 4-week progress form to complete as you go and use it for a progress review
  • Evaluation forms monitoring symptoms to complete for each month of the program
  • Discount voucher for re-test in 6-8 months

After completing the Program, it’s recommended to re-evaluate 6-8 months after the initial assessment to establish which foods and household products are no longer causing symptoms. These foods are then gradually re-introduced and can be consumed again.

Please note that to achieve lasting improvements in your symptoms and overall health, the protocol will need to be followed strictly for the full 6 months, even if all your symptoms either improve or are gone earlier.

How to order the Food Compatibility assessment?

Feel free to contact me to arrange the Food Compatibility assessment for yourself, your family members, your friends (as a gift voucher) or your pets. You can also order the assessment online by completing this Order Form.

Whilst it’s recommended to have the investigation done following a naturopathic consultation, particularly for chronic, long-term health conditions, you CAN order this assessment without a consultation and start following the guidelines by yourself.

Simply print off and complete the Order Form and send it to me with your hair sample. A 15-minute phone or Zoom call is included in the test’s price of $295, to discuss your test results and answer a few most important questions you may have.

To order and purchase the compatibility analysis visit our online SHOP.


Food Compatibility Program is a safe and painless method of detecting which foods and/or household products are right for you i.e. are compatible with your body.

By feeding the body in this manner and using compatible foods and household products, you’ll stimulate the body’s natural healing ability to repair and balance body tissues, organs and systems, and become well again.

This comprehensive wellness Program will help to establish a strong foundation which will support any other therapies you may be undertaking.

Implementing the findings will make it possible to confidently use everyday foods as your medicine!

For more information also review the Programs page.

In my clinical experience, Food Compatibility Program facilitates establishing a strong foundation which will support most natural therapies used. However, the Program is not intended to be construed as medical advice of any kind, nor is it intended to replace advice from a qualified medical practitioner or your doctor. If you have a medical condition, please discuss it with your health provider prior to considering the assessment.

Good health and blessings
Joanna - signature-segoe-line

Joanna Sochan
Holistic Health and Lifestyle Therapist
Natural and Lifestyle Therapies for Abundant Health and Wellbeing

Photos credit: Pixabay

Additional resources

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational and/or educational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, prescription or recommendation. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should not make any changes in their health regimen or diet before first consulting a doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions they may have regarding a medical condition or their particular circumstances.

Joanna Sochan is a Natural Therapist and founder of Naturimedica Holistic Health & Wellness. She has a passion for helping clients transform their lives by becoming healthy and well naturally. Joanna has 10+ years experience in clinical practice and has special interest in solving complex cases, functional medicine testing, gut health, sleep, fatigue and chronic pain. She guides clients through her tailored programs and eCourses as well as helping them individually (mostly online) Australia-wide. View full bio.

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